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Monday, March 12, 2012

Umm, hi... Is this thing on?

Umm, hi... Is this thing on?

I've never blogged a day in my life, but I have so many thoughts, ideas, and stories bouncing around in my little head that I figured it was about time.

I find myself wanting to post irrelevant status updates on Facebook that 90% of my friends probably couldn't care less about. (make up, hair, beauty products, Ella)... SO, I'll throw that all together here. I'm thinking I may do some beauty reviews and things, just because I have so many make up and hair products I LOVE, that I want to share my experiences and I love to talk about anything beauty or fashion.

Also, every momma needs a place where they can brag about their kiddo. Right? Or atleast a place to write down memories of all the silly, wild, outrageously smart things she does. I am so bad about keeping up with her baby book, maybe I will be better at blogging since I use the computer much more regularly.

Speak of the devil, Miss Sass herself just woke up... Ever heard the saying "Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says 'Oh crap, she's up.'"? Haha... That's my Ella.


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